Pain sore relaxing treatment heal healing

Gentle, relaxing, effective treatment to help relieve pain, optimise healing and health.

For injuries, general health or relaxation

Find out how Bowen can help!



Better body, better you

Need to relax, relieve pain? Using the Bowen Technique we aim to improve lives by allowing the body to relax and repair. Bowtech is a gentle, relaxing therapy that stimulates the body to heal itself.

How it works

Bowen moves, stimulate the autonomic nervous system and activates the bodies parasympathetic dominance (rest, relax, repair mode). During a treatment you will experience subtle moves over the body. Between moves there are pauses to allow the body to respond.


Initial treatment usually requires 2 - 4 sessions, and regular appointments at 4 - 6 weekly intervals can assist with general wellbeing. Appointments range from 20 - 50min.

Mapua Richmond Motueka Ruby Bay Tasman

Better Bodies is located in a beautiful rural setting near Mapua and approx. 15min from Richmond & Motueka.


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Better Bodies Bowen